ASK THE WEREWOLVES, or ATW, is a blog and comic series, in which a couple of werewolves answer questions about what it's like to be a couple of werewolves.

Blackbird is an outgoing, adventurous, only-kind-of-extremely-irresponsible werewolf with black fur. She enjoys synthwave music, astronomy, and running from the police. She has been a werewolf since she was a teenager. Duran is a more reserved, practical, stuck-in-his-own-head werewolf with brown fur. He enjoys thriller novels, post rock music, and making sure no one discovers that he and his girlfriend are supernatural creatures. He became a werewolf when Blackbird bit him, and turned him into one. They live in the city of Midnight, California, a neon-hazed metropolis on the American West Coast with questionable geography. Several other characters, friends, enemies, and neighbors fade in and out of canonicity as time goes by.

ATW was originally a Tumblr blog from 2015 to 2018, at a time when "ask blogs" were most in vogue. Users would send in their questions, and the response would be some combination of funny, sleazy, and lupine. When Tumblr enacted a major Terms Of Service change in late 2018 that forbade explicit content - or indeed, any content that an algorithm might mistake for explicit - ATW was moved onto its own site. Later, the ask blog format was steadily exchanged with a comic book format, creating a more straightforward narrative. That story arc is planned to end with the release of issue #7, when the project will be considered 'finished.'

ATW is created, written, and drawn by Jade (JAIYANDT), with the invaluable help of Angela Quinton (writer), Silver Pierce (letterer), Damien Jairus Banaag (inker), and you (reader)! If you followed the blog or gave your support for any of these years, thank you so much! It literally couldn't have happened without you. You can read, enjoy, and support more at any of these other outlets.